Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Okay, I just got a myspace blog post from my brother in law in California. He is engaged. In the post, he says he had already told everyone, and that they are excited. He didn't tell me. I wish he had called.

I am excited for him. I guess it's the sadness that Pat isn't here to see Billy get married. And Billy is in another place across the country. And except for emails sometimes, I am pretty cut off from them. Yes, I don't want to have much to do with some people, but they are cool. I dearly love Cheri and Brian. They have helped me through a lot. Billy and Danny- well they didn't even call Pat in the hospital, and never came until the night he died, and I think that hurts them a lot. It hurts even more, because we helped them out a lot. We hired Danny and paid him a lot of money to help out. Billy did a lot of work for Pat too. Also, I was the one running down to Brome Howard late at night to take him to work, and pick him up, along with Danny. I just really feel cut off, like because I didn't let some people get away with things, I lost everyone.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Kath-Big Sis-Brat

I have this wonderful friend named Kathie. She and I have been friends for many years now, more than twenty years. We have shared lots of laughter, beer, wine, awesome food, jokes, songs, and yes, lots of tears. We both love romance novels, cross stitching, cooking, hot tubs, and scuppernong wine.

Kathie lives in New Mexico now, and I miss her. I have been out there twice to see her, and loved the house, the area, and just hanging out with her.

We listen to each other when noone else will listen to us. Whenever something is going on in our lives, we tell the other one pretty quickly. And, most of the time when I am thinking I am going to call her, she ends up calling me, or I call her just as she is getting ready to call me.

I really hope she realizes how lucky I am to call her friend. She really knows the true meaning of being a wonderful friend and sister

Rain Rain Go away or become snow!

Ok, it has been raining for two days. Lots of rain. And yesterday we had ice mixed in too. I would love for it to either snow like crazy, so everything is shut down, or just stop and let the sun come out.

My tulips and irises and daffodils are popping up. I can't wait until Spring! But I would love some snow!

I was able to get some primroses at WalMart the other day. They are so bright and cheery.

My yard in Spring is a mass of daffodils and tulips then irises. It is incredible.